Learn new web technologies via our online courses


Brush up on or learn new skills online


Our CoursesAbout Us

Improve your technical skills and launch an online business

Easy to learn

Web technology can seem complicated, but it does not have to be. Coding, graphic design and content management systems may seem like daunting concepts to grasp, but the reality is that they can be easily learnt by anyone willing to take the time.

Launch your own website

Our courses cover informative content covering a variety of website frameworks and content management systems which will help you to launch your own website from scratch.

We also have courses covering shipping methods, payment gateways and design templates in order for you to learn how to create your own individual website that will stand out from the crowd in the competitive online marketplace.

For all levels

Learn today

Our courses are available for all levels of web technology knowledge. Whether you are advanced or a beginner, we will have something in store to help you learn today.

Beginner to advanced level

All our courses are easy to follow and will quickly take you from a beginner to an advanced level, giving you the confidence, you need to launch your own website or online business.

Improve your technical skills and launch an online business

Own an online business

Our courses are perfectly suited to those looking to launch their own online business. Our courses will ensure that you have the required abilities to reach your goals

Invest back into your business

Knowledge to be able to set up and run your own website, saving huge overhead costs giving you valuable funds and time to invest back into your business.

Do it yourself

When you learn with us, you will be able to take full control of your online business.

“To be prepared for the demands of the 21st century—and to take advantage of its opportunities—it is essential that more people today learn basic computer programming skills, no matter what field of work they want to pursue.”

– Jack Pearson

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Address: Kenya